Black Section Separator

Armaan tries to protect Abhira, explaining a theft incident where he claims to have saved the ring, adding to the confusion about its authenticity.

Black Section Separator

In frustration, Dadi sa throws the ring and blames the family for the chaos, only to later acknowledge her own mistakes.

Black Section Separator

Manish Ji, a diamond merchant, declares the ring is real after it survives being thrown and lands safely, offering to have it verified by a jeweler if needed.

Black Section Separator

To ease tensions, Manish Ji washes the ring in milk, claiming it’s now purified and blessed, and hands it back to Abhira.

Black Section Separator

Ruhi feels left out and is seen crying, while Manisha discovers Ruhi's secret involvement with the ring and decides to keep it hidden for now.

Black Section Separator

Manish Ji urges Kaveri Ji to reconsider her trust in Abhira, arguing that Abhira deserves another chance despite her mistakes.

Black Section Separator

The episode ends with Abhira and Armaan planning a honeymoon to Scotland, leading to a heated exchange with Ruhi and a hint of more family tension to come.