Black Section Separator

Abhira's Desperate Search:: The episode kicks off with Abhira frantically searching for a precious missing ring, setting the stage for intense drama.

Black Section Separator

Ruhi's Revenge Plot: Ruhi hides the ring with plans to tarnish Abhira's reputation, driven by resentment over Arman's attention.

Black Section Separator

Kaveri's Refusal: Kaveri rejects giving ceremonial bangles to Abhira, criticizing her for not changing her name and questioning her worthiness.

Black Section Separator

Vidya's Intervention: Vidya steps in to offer her bangles to Abhira, shocking everyone and adding to the episode's tension.

Black Section Separator

Arman’s Romantic Gesture: Despite the chaos, Arman prepares a heartfelt romantic proposal for Abhira, leaving his friends and family smitten.

Black Section Separator

Ruhi’s Regret: Ruhi experiences a change of heart and devises a new plan to win Arman back, adding a new layer of intrigue.

Black Section Separator

Private Engagement: Faced with mounting stress, Abhira and Arman decide on a private engagement ceremony, heightening the episode's drama.

Black Section Separator

Fake Ring Revelation: In a surprising twist, Arman procures a fake ring to save Abhira from disgrace, leaving Ruhi stunned and setting up for future drama.