BhagyaLakshmi 9 August 2024 Written Update

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BhagyaLakshmi 9 August 2024 Written Update

The “Bhagya Lakshmi” episode on August 9, 2024, starts with a powerful moment as Lakshmi reaches the Oberoi mansion. Her determined demeanor suggests she is on a mission, as she stands at the doorstep and calls out for Parvati. The atmosphere is tense, with the tension between Lakshmi and the Oberoi family coming to the forefront. Neelam, ever assertive, immediately intercepts Lakshmi, demanding that she stop where she is. Neelam’s tone is accusatory as she calls Lakshmi a hypocrite, accusing her of being double-faced by saying one thing and doing another. The confrontation escalates as Neelam questions Lakshmi’s intentions, asking her bluntly why she has come to the Oberoi mansion.

Lakshmi, undeterred by Neelam’s hostility, calmly responds that she has come for Parvati. This triggers Neelam, who vehemently declares that Parvati will not be going anywhere with Lakshmi and orders her to leave. Lakshmi, however, uses this outburst to confirm that Parvati is indeed in the Oberoi mansion, a fact she suspected but now has solid evidence of. The revelation fuels Lakshmi’s anger, and she sharply criticizes Rishi, calling him a hypocrite for pretending not to know the whereabouts of Rohan and Parvati when, in fact, they were right under his roof.

BhagyaLakshmi 9 August 2024 Written Update
BhagyaLakshmi 9 August 2024 Written Update (image via Zee5)

Ayush steps in, attempting to defend Rishi, explaining that it was he who informed Rishi that Rohan and Parvati were at the mansion. However, Lakshmi is not in a forgiving mood and turns her frustration on Ayush, reprimanding him for revealing that Parvati is Rishi’s daughter without consulting her first. This accusation adds another layer of tension to the already volatile situation.

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Karishma, always quick to defend her family, jumps into the argument, siding with Neelam against Lakshmi. The verbal battle becomes more heated, with Rishi trying in vain to intervene and restore some order. However, his efforts are thwarted as Neelam and Karishma refuse to listen, their focus entirely on ousting Lakshmi from the mansion. Neelam’s disdain for Lakshmi is palpable as she instructs the servants to close the door on Lakshmi, essentially trying to shut her out both physically and emotionally.

As the door closes, Rishi is left standing amidst the tension, visibly troubled by the way his family is treating Lakshmi. He voices his disapproval, reminding Neelam that despite their differences, Lakshmi is still Parvati’s mother and has every right to be concerned about her daughter. Neelam, however, dismisses Rishi’s plea, harshly telling him that the person speaking is not the son she raised. With that, she storms off, leaving Rishi in a state of frustration and helplessness.

The scene shifts to Rishi’s ongoing struggle to make his family understand the gravity of the situation. Aanchal, another member of the family, confronts Rishi, questioning his actions and his apparent shift in loyalties. She argues with him, trying to get him to see reason, but Rishi remains firm, stating that Lakshmi, as Parvati’s mother, has every right to be worried and involved in her daughter’s life.

Meanwhile, at Rano’s house, the atmosphere is equally tense but with a different focus. Rano informs Shalu that Parvati is at the Oberoi mansion, a revelation that adds to the already complicated situation. Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Rano opens the door to find Pramita, a lawyer, standing there. Pramita introduces herself and informs Rano and Shalu that she will be taking over Parvati’s custody case. This news surprises Rano and Shalu, as they were under the impression that another lawyer, Pratibha, was handling the case. Pramita explains that Pratibha works for her and that she decided to take over the case due to its complexity and the need for expertise.

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Pramita further surprises them by revealing that she has already resolved one of Lakshmi’s biggest problems by securing a job for her. This news excites Rano and Shalu, who are eager to share it with Lakshmi. However, Pramita’s priority is finding Lakshmi, who she is informed has gone to retrieve Parvati.

Back at the Oberoi mansion, the tension reaches its peak as the doorbell rings once more. This time, it is Lakshmi, but she is not alone—she has brought the police with her, determined to take Parvati back. The Oberoi family is stunned by this bold move, particularly Malishka, who is visibly shocked. The police, after confirming Parvati’s presence, prepare to intervene, but Neelam tries to block their entry, ordering Rishi to bring Parvati downstairs.

Rishi, complying with his mother’s orders, goes to fetch Parvati, who is sleeping peacefully, unaware of the turmoil unfolding around her. When Rishi brings Parvati to the living room, Lakshmi steps forward to assert her parental rights, declaring that Parvati belongs with her and that no one else has any claim over her daughter.

However, the situation takes an emotional turn when Parvati wakes up and, realizing what is happening, pleads with Lakshmi not to take her away from the Oberoi mansion. She expresses her desire to stay, supported by Rohan, who also begs Lakshmi to reconsider. Lakshmi, torn between her love for her daughter and the reality of the situation, is moved to tears. Seeing her mother’s distress, Parvati selflessly decides to go with Lakshmi, asking her not to cry. Lakshmi, though heartbroken, takes Parvati away, leaving the Oberoi family behind with a stern warning from the police not to attempt such actions again, as they are against the law.

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The episode concludes with Neelam seething with anger, vowing to bring Parvati back to the Oberoi mansion and to ensure that Lakshmi is never allowed near her daughter again. The final scene shifts to the courthouse, where a significant moment unfolds. As Lakshmi nearly collapses, Rishi instinctively catches her, leading to a flurry of camera flashes as the media captures this tender moment. Neelam and Karishma quickly step in to clarify to the reporters that Rishi was simply helping Lakshmi, trying to downplay the situation.

The judge then enters the courtroom, and the proceedings begin. The judge addresses the court, reminding everyone that in the previous hearing, it was revealed that Rishi and Malishka’s marriage is illegal, which changes the entire dynamic of the custody case. As the court prepares to delve deeper into this new angle, the episode ends, leaving viewers eager to see how this complicated legal battle will unfold.


  • Arya Chauhan

    My name is Arya Chauhan and I'm a passionate writer specializes in crafting engaging content about TV serials. With a keen eye for detail and a love for storytelling.

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